Friday, September 25, 2009


We arrived in Denver midday on Wednesday. It was one of the quicker cities (less than 36 hours), but it was certainly exciting. The weather was crappy, and we met fellow travelers Chris Minoletti and Sam Anderson and went to Matt and Nicole's apartment and took a much needed mid-trip two hour nap. After that, we went our for some delicious Indian food. Then we picked up a few local beers, went back to the apartment and had a nice relaxing night. This was a much needed low key evening, and it the weather was perfect for it. On Thursday, we woke up, had coffee and dropped off our suitcases at Patrick (my brother)'s office, and then met Chelsea Iacino and her boyfriend Chris for lunch at Tokyo Joe's. After that we drove to Red Rocks Ampitheater and national park. We explored Red Rocks for a while, absorbing the beautiful surroundings and the pictures and artifacts of so many incredible musicians who had played there in the past.

After Red Rocks, we went home, took showers and made pretzel necklaces. We were unaware until that day, but everyone makes a pretzel necklace for the Great American Beer Festival, in order to sustain some level of sobriety in the unbelievably large ocean of beer that is GABF. These proved to be very helpful later on. Then we got a taxi to the Colorado Convention Center and got in line with 10,000 other people. When the doors opened, beer began flowing quickly.

Each pour is just 1 ounce, which seems like a very small amount, but it allows people to try many beers. Also, after 4 and a half hours, the 1 oz glasses begin to add up. We lost count of the beers that we tried, but of the 500 breweries represented and 2100 beers on tap, it is safe to say that we at least put a dent into it. Every brewery that we have visited on our trip so far was there, so we visited some friends we had made in previous cities. Overall, it was probably the most overwhelming experience of our lives, with more beers on tap than there have ever been in one room at the same time in the history of the world.

After the Beer Festival, we got picked up by Patrick (which was very kind of him), and we went straight to Denver International Airport, where we caught a redeye flight. We just landed at JFK, and got great views of the sunrise during our landing. We are now awaiting our connection to Richmond, and it is 7:22 AM.

Best beer in Denver: Ska Brewing, Modus Hoperandi IPA

Total Flying Time: 37 hours 15 minutes

For all photos click here!

We have recieved over $300 in donations to our paypal account, many thanks to all who have decided to give their hard earned money to two kids on a hellbent mission to conquer the US in 30 days! Also, our new offer is this: If you donate more than $20, we will do anything that you want us to do in any city, and take a picture of it for you (within reason). More updates and photos to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!!! Looks like you're having so much fun! Did you happen to see Hopworks Urban Brewery at the beer fest? -Korie
